Healing Haru

When Past Wounds Impact the Here and Now

It is possible to find inner peace, gain a sense of control, and feel safe and hopeful again.

There are many definitions of trauma, but the most common theme is that trauma is an event or series of events that overwhelm a person’s capacity to cope. Trauma negatively shapes and changes our belief in ourselves, others, or the world around us. Trauma can be small or big, and it can impact individuals in different ways. Different causes of trauma could be childhood trauma, including physical, emotional, sexual abuse, assault, neglect, involvement in or witnessing intimate partner violence/domestic violence, food insecurity, homelessness, financial instability, poverty, complicated grief, serious accident or injury, life-threatening illness, and exposure to natural disasters, war, etc. Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, is a longer-term condition where one continues to have flashbacks and re-experiencing the traumatic event. Complex trauma, or C-PTSD, is a type of trauma that is typically sustained over a prolonged period of time and can occur in the context of interpersonal relationships, such as abuse, neglect, or abandonment. This type of trauma can have a profound impact on a person's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being, often resulting in a range of mental health and behavioral issues that can persist into adulthood.

One way in which complex trauma can manifest is through the fight, flight, or freeze response. This response is a natural survival mechanism that is triggered in response to a perceived threat. When we perceive a threat, our body responds by releasing hormones that prepare us to either fight, flee, or freeze. However, in cases of complex trauma, the fight, flight, or freeze response can become dysregulated. This means that the body may overreact to perceived threats or may have difficulty returning to a state of calm once the threat has passed.

For example, someone who has experienced abuse may become hyper-vigilant and easily triggered, leading to a constant state of fight or flight. Alternatively, someone who has experienced neglect may become frozen and dissociated, unable to respond to perceived threats in a way that is adaptive. In addition to being dysregulated, the fight, flight, or freeze response can also become chronic. This means that the body may be stuck in a state of heightened arousal or shut down, making it difficult to regulate emotions and engage in healthy relationships.

If you are someone who has experienced complex trauma, it's important to know that you are not alone. There are resources available to help you start your healing journey. With the help of trauma recovery coaching, you can learn to regulate their fight, flight, or freeze response and move towards healing and recovery.

Complex trauma can have a profound impact on a person's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. It can cause a range of issues such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can negatively impact an individual's life. However, with the help of holistic trauma recovery coaching, you can find the support and guidance you need to heal from their trauma.

As a holistic trauma recovery coach, I take comprehensive approach to complex trauma recovery, addressing the physical, emotional, and psychological effects of trauma. This approach considers the whole person, including your beliefs, values, and experiences, and focuses on promoting overall wellness and healing. I bring tools and knowledge from mind-body-based healing modalities, including EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing), somatic techniques, mindfulness, visualizations, trauma-informed body movement/yoga, and more.

Traumatic events are shocking, scary, or dangerous experiences that can affect you emotionally and physically. Responses to trauma can be immediate or delayed, short or long and everyone’s response looks different.

You might say, “I’m fine” or “I can talk about it without crying”, yet it’s still painful.

You might say, “It happened a while ago”, yet sometimes it feels like it’s still happening.

You might “seem okay” on the outside, yet you feel sad, hurt, empty, disconnected, insecure, and lonely inside.

By working with a holistic trauma recovery coach, you can gain the skills and tools you need to navigate your trauma and move towards recovery. You can also receive support and guidance throughout the healing process, reducing feelings of isolation and promoting a sense of connection and empowerment.

□ Feeling trapped, stuck, lost, confused, and just can’t seem to relax

□ Reliving the painful memories and having flashbacks

□ Fearful about you will be hurt again and always on high alert

□ Overwhelmed with self-doubt

□ Getting ready for the worst possible outcome all the time

□ Having trouble trusting other people and remembering things

□ Feeling exhausted and not sure why

□ Having physical symptoms, like the tightness of the chest, headaches, the heart feels like it’s racing or pounding

□ Carrying around the weight of the world on your shoulders

□ Numbing the pain with drugs and alcohol

□ Just getting by, but you know you are capable of so much more

□ Wanting to restore life balance

Trauma created changes you didn’t choose.

Healing creates the changes you choose.

Common effects of unhealed trauma

  • Feeling depressed, shame, hopelessness, lonely, or despair

  • Feeling ineffective

  • Feeling as though one is permanently damaged

  • Loss of former belief systems

  • Substance abuse

  • Alcoholism

  • Addiction

  • Sexual problems

  • Inability to maintain healthy close relationships or choose appropriate people to be friends with

  • Hostility

  • Constant arguments with loved ones

  • Social withdrawal

  • Constant feelings of being threatened

  • Self-destructive behaviors

  • Impulsive behaviors

  • Uncontrollable reactive thoughts

  • Inability to make healthy occupational or lifestyle choices

  • Dissociative symptoms

  • Compulsive behavioral patterns

Trauma is a result of an overwhelming sense of danger, powerlessness, and fear.

Healing is a result of feeling safe, empowered, and supported.